Sixth Award

New year, new award
thanks to sist Sari

and the rules are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and give their blog a shout out on your blog with a link to their blog. (✓)
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Send on the award to 15 bloggers whose blog you appreciate and then let them know that they have won the award.
7 random facts about myself are:
- My tribe is Java, but I can't speak Java language *cause... I was born in Banjarmasin*
- I'm a thin girl
- Sometimes, when I remember my past, I getting c'zy *idk why...*
- I was born on January 26, 1997
- can playing organ
- like singing and playing music
- get a scholarship and go to AMERICA! --- #wish

and the 15 bloggers is: ALL OF YOU. Siapapun yang mau award ini, ambil aja.

Lovingly designed by Tasnim