Disetiap award, pasti ada rules, let me see:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.
okay rule #1: Nominate 15 fellow bloggers
- Dimas
- Anis Diyana
- Chici
- Clara
- Dira
- Sherry
- Tasya
- Oca
- Ratri
- Putri
- Ditha
- Mira
- Sintya
And hello! i'm your silent reader. I will give this award for you
- Wana
- Husna
Thanks for the tutorials
Rule #2: Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
D o n e.
Rule #3: Share 7 random facts about yourself.
*ga bisa bahasa inggris, bahasa indonesia ajah*
- Hobi makan tapi gak pernah gemuk
- Bisa main organ
- Paling gak suka sama yang namanya: belalang, kecoa, ulat dan ular.
- Punya pacar eks frater yang sekarang lebih sukses dari gue (jadi guru piano privat) -_-
- Paling gak suka sama yang namanya gosip atau fitnah atau apapun yang gak sesuai sama kebenarannya
- Tempat favorit kalo sama doi: kalau gak biara ya gereja/kapel
- Paling seneng kalau udah didepan laptop trus online
Rule #4: Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
Makasih Aya buat awardnya. Maaf baru bisa post sekarang karena baru blogwalking ke tempat kamu :) akhir kata aku mau bilang terima kasih sudah menjadi teman blog :) semoga semakin sukses.
Rule #5: Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.
- Dimas
- Anis Diyana
- Chici
- Clara
- Dira
- Sherry
- Tasya
- Oca
- Ratri
- Putri
- Ditha
- Mira
- Sintya
And hello! i'm your silent reader. I will give this award for you
- Wana
- Husna
Thanks for the tutorials
Rule #2: Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
D o n e.
Rule #3: Share 7 random facts about yourself.
*ga bisa bahasa inggris, bahasa indonesia ajah*
- Hobi makan tapi gak pernah gemuk
- Bisa main organ
- Paling gak suka sama yang namanya: belalang, kecoa, ulat dan ular.
- Punya pacar eks frater yang sekarang lebih sukses dari gue (jadi guru piano privat) -_-
- Paling gak suka sama yang namanya gosip atau fitnah atau apapun yang gak sesuai sama kebenarannya
- Tempat favorit kalo sama doi: kalau gak biara ya gereja/kapel
- Paling seneng kalau udah didepan laptop trus online
Rule #4: Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
Makasih Aya buat awardnya. Maaf baru bisa post sekarang karena baru blogwalking ke tempat kamu :) akhir kata aku mau bilang terima kasih sudah menjadi teman blog :) semoga semakin sukses.
Rule #5: Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.
Happy Blogging!